
Forever growing my arsenal of charactersName pronounced Wolf-uh not Wolf-Ie
(It gets annoying after a while when people constantly call me the wrong thing)
I stole it from Commander Wolffe from StarWars Clone Wars
Pronouns are primarily He/Him

My likes include

Favourite character are Soundwave in all iterations and Chase from Rescue Bots
Gabriel is great... I need to stop myself from saying more...
Favourites are the Mandalorian Captain Rex and that one clone trooper that punched a droid then got shot, rest in peace ya mad lad
Wings of Fire
Favourites are Sunny and Stonemover
Mortal Engines
Favourite is Shrike or if you're American Grike
Been around since the days of Skydoesminecraft (I no longer support them)
Creatures of Sonaria
My favourite creatures are the Norskogg and Faecalu

Things I am currently doing

I am currently working on planning out a webcomic I plan to call
"The Forbidden Fruit"
Growing my arsenal of characters
Succeeding in university
Working doing exchanges with other people to get characters based on animals I'm obsessed with
My stick collection

Other nicknames I have

Wolfe of course

Random facts

I live in Canada
I use a British/Australian accent to deal with social anxiety in voice chats
Horrible with horror
I wheeze when I laugh which is how I got one of my nicknames
I love robot characters
I make a lot of pop culture references specifically obscure Starwars and obscure Transformers ones
I don't hate a lot of things, I just want a lot of things to die
Sorry but I don't use tone indicators and don't know a lot of them, if you're unsure if I'm joking or not then please feel free to ask me

Do not interact with me if you are

A pedophile
A zoophile
A necrophile
A proshipper
Someone who thinks that r/pe is funny/acceptable
Only looking for free art (I don't do OC requests)
Really sensitive (I'm a big asshole at times and don't have much of a filter sorry)
Gonna give me "free nitro" or shit like that
You just want me to buy your commissions (I have no money)

Rick's gone :(